Buddhism in the Modern Information Space

Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude).
Deputy Director of the Foundation for the Promotion of Buddhist Education and Research, Institute of China and Modern Asia, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow).

Keynote speakers

1) Digital Dharma: Approaches to Research and Digitalization of the Buddhist Written Heritage.

Keynote speakers:

  1. Rinchinov Oleg Sergeevich, Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Problems and prospects of digitalization of the Buddhist written heritage.
  2. Dashinimaeva Polina Purbuevna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). The word without a referent as a factor in the translatability of the ideas of Buddhist philosophy from one language to another.

1) Digital Sangha: New Forms of Functioning of Buddhist Communities

Keynote speakers:
  1. Ostrovskaya Elena Alexandrovna, St. Petersburg State University (Russia, St. Petersburg). Digital Buddhism as an object of Buddhist research.
  2. Badmatsyrenov Timur Batorovich, Banzarov Buryat State(Russia, Ulan-Ude). Digital Buddhism, Social Media and Online Buddhist Communities.
1. Anikeeva Svetlana Mikhailovna, Aseeva Tamara Anatolyevna, head of the editorial board «Eastern literature», Publishing house «Nauka» (Russia, Moscow). Publication of sources of Tibetan medicine in the "Library of Tibetan Medicine" series.

2. Bicheev Baazr Alexandrovich, Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov (Russia, Elista). Oirat Texts of the Ganapati Dharani Sutra.

3. Dyrkheeva Galina Aleksandrovna, Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude). The concepts of "Buddha", "datsan", "sergem" in the linguistic consciousness of bilingual Buryats (based on the associative experiment).

4. Badmaeva Larisa Batoevna, Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Buryat chronicles as sources on the history of Buddhism in Buryatia.

5. Badmaeva Lyubov Dashinimaevna, Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Features of the syntagmatics of Buryat Buddhist terms with the meaning of ‘contemplation’, ‘meditate’.

6. Chimitdorzhieva Gunsema Nimbuevna, Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Review of sources on the history of the Kagyu school in Mongolia.

7. Tsybenova Erzhena Bairovna, Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Dearchaization of Buddhist vocabulary in the modern Buryat language.

8. Omakaeva Ellara Ulyaevna, Kalmyk State University (Russia, Elista). Kalmyk names of Buddhist deities: origin and semantics

9. Budazhapova Larisa Batuevna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Lexical originality of Buddhist terms in the modern Buryat language (based on the Buryat translation of the «Sutras on Wisdom and Stupidity»).

10. Semyonova Erzhena Vasilievna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Degrees of Prespriptivity in a Buddhist Philosophical Text.

11. Balsunaeva Dugvema Vladimirovna, independent researcher, (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Buddhist vocabulary in the early Buryat works written in Mongolian script (1930s).

12. Tsyrempilon Alina Olegovna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Buddhist «vocabulary» or «terminology»? Semiotic aspect of the problem consideration.

13. Tsybikova Natalya Sergeevna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Semiotics of Buddhist Intertext.

14. Konovalova Ayuna Prokopievna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Feminist motives of Therigatha.

15. Garmaeva Tatyana Innokentievna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Reasons for the application of cognitive efforts in the translation of Buddhist texts from Chinese into Russian.

16. Arkhipova Svetlana Valerievna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Algorithmization of the pre-translation of the Buddhist philosophical text.

17. Khandazhapova Altyn Chimitovna, Taraskina Yaroslava Vyacheslavovna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Translation commentary as one of the ways of translating Buddhist terms (based on the translation of the text "Khural Mandal Shiva" from Russian into German).

18. Platitsyna Tatyana Vladimirovna, Bazarov Bulat Zhargalovich, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Translation of Buddhist Terms in Tourist Discourse (Based on the Translation of the Ivolginsky Datsan Guidebook from Russian into English).

19. Gomboeva Alexandra Bairovna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Translation of terms used in a Buddhist text from English into Russian: mutual determination of equivalence and adequacy.

20. Karymshakova Tatyana Gennadievna, Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia, Ulan-Ude). Tourist discourse: translation adaptation of the Buddhist terms.

21. Ashin Bhuripanya, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Pāḷi, Pariyati Sasana State University (Myanmar, Mandalay)

22. Buhezhaozhige, Yonghegong Temple Monk (Beijing)


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