
Preparations for the II International Buddhist Forum have begun

The II International Buddhist Forum will be held in August 2024 on the territory of Buryatia - at the sites of Ulan-Ude and Ivolginsky Datsan, which is the center of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia and the residence of Pandido Hambo Lama.
"Buryatia is preparing to host the II International Buddhist Forum. The region has invaluable knowledge and all the necessary base for in-depth discussion of issues of Buddhism and Buddhology. The experience of the I International Buddhist Forum has shown the importance, significance and relevance of the issues raised, including issues of unity in difficult modern realities. During the forum, Buryatia became a global center for discussing issues of Buddhism. Representatives of all key countries where Buddhism is practiced came to the forum. The representative composition of the delegations of India and China, headed by the Indian Ambassador to the Russian Federation and the Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Buddhist Association, as well as the participation of the ambassadors of Thailand and Sri Lanka, the top leadership of Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia showed that Russia is a convenient platform for international contacts on the line of Buddhism. It is also a clear signal to the entire world community that Russia is open to dialogue and has reliable partners and friends," Alexey Tsydenov said.


Recall that the I International Buddhist Forum "Traditional Buddhism and the Challenges of Modernity" was held in Ulan-Ude on August 17-19, 2023. It was attended by more than 600 invited guests, representatives of 13 foreign countries - China, India, Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Czech Republic, Laos, Bhutan, Cambodia, the Republic of Belarus.

The delegation from India was headed by Mr. Kapoor Pawan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation, and the official delegation of China was headed by Mr. Hu Xuefeng, Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Buddhist Association, rector of the Yonghegong Temple in Beijing. The forum was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Thailand to Russia, Mr. Sasiwat Wongsinsawat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to the Russian Federation, Mrs. Liyanage Janita Abeyvikrema, together with representatives of the scientific and religious community of their countries; Deputy Chairman of the National Front of Laos Senamatmontri Chanthavon, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme State Committee for the Buddhist Sangha of Myanmar Bhaddanta Samvarabhivamsa, Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Cults and Religions of Cambodia Sai Amnan, Chief monk of the Royal Temple of Bhutan Khenpo Ujen Namgyal and others.

FORUM - 2024

The head of Buryatia stated the need for careful preparation of the II International Buddhist Forum. Round tables, discussion platforms, working groups with the invitation of prominent Buddhist figures and scientists from Russia and the world to discuss topical issues in the field of Buddhism should take place the entire period before the start of the main forum, Alexey Tsydenov noted. The key and most relevant issues will subsequently become the basis of the content of the scientific and practical part of the forum.

So, at the first meeting on the organization of the forum with the participation of Alexey Maslov, Presidentof the Foundation for the Promotion of Buddhist Education and Research, Director of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Rector of the D.D. Dashi Choynhorlin Buddhist University. Zayaeva Dymbryl Dashibaldanov, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Head and Government of the Republic of Buryatia for Information Policy, Public Relations and Public Projects Irina Dorzhieva, Roscongress Foundation decided that a number of independent events will be held in the period from February to August, preceding the main forum.
The rector of the D.D. Zayaev Dashi Choinkhorlin Buddhist University, Dymbryl Dashibaldanov, announced that the Sangha of Russia proposes that the second day of the forum program also be devoted to discussing the messages of Pandito Hambo Lama Dashi Dorji Etigelov and hold a separate section dedicated to the 260th anniversary of the Pandido Hambo Lama Institute.

"It is necessary to discuss the messages of Pandito Hambo Lama Dasha Dorji Etigelov in relation to the present and the future, which will be most useful for people. Also, in 2024, 260 years will be celebrated since the foundation of the Pandido Hambo Lama Institute and it is necessary to devote a separate discussion to this during the forum," said Dymbryl Dashibaldanov.

Anniversary events dedicated to the 260th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Pandito Khambo Lama Sangha of Russia are planned to be held in the fall of 2024, noted in the Sangha of Russia. In the year of the anniversary, the main temple of the Buddhist shrine, the new Tsogchen Dugan, which took several years to build, will be opened in the Ivolginsky datsan, and sporting events will also be held.

For the next organizational meeting, the Foundation for the Promotion of Buddhist Education and Research will prepare a draft concept for the content of the forum, said the chairman of the foundation, Alexey Maslov. He noted the importance of inviting iconic and significant people from the world of Buddhism and Buddhology to the forum, which will increase the status of the forum.

"The partners of the second forum - the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB RAS, Buryat State University, as well as republican institutions - the National Museum and the Center of Oriental Medicine - will be involved in the preparation of the second Buddhist forum. The combined efforts of our respected organizations and the organizing committee predetermined the success of the first forum," Irina Dorzhieva noted.